AZ Joint Ownership, LLC     Live the Dream!
Make the Purchase
Of a Vacation Home

Your Reality!

By using a Joint Ownership Investment Strategy


Vacation home & real estate investment strategies ~

Ask us how Joint Ownership makes this dream into a reality.

Real Estate Professionals - learn how to drive sales, increase referral income, and fulfill purchasers dreams ... a win, win, win solution via Joint Ownership here.

With a well developed real estate Joint Ownership model a group of buyers can now purchase
the property they want, in the area they desire, with a fraction of the investment capital
and the monthly expenses.

What AZ joint Ownership does is provides the templates for usage and ownership agreements protecting owners from some of the possible pitfalls that could occur in a joint ownership model.

The proper joint ownership processes and agreements up front allow friends and family to stay that


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What is vacation home & real estate joint ownership?

Joint ownership is a partnership in the ownership of (Title To & Equity In) a house.
This is NOT time share or fractional ownership......

Typically the ownership is split between multiple vacation home investors, with the each investor/partner having equal shares or some combination of interest in the real estate investment.

As with other shared-equity plans, the idea behind vacation home joint ownership is that it is a way for people to own vacation or investment real estate properties who otherwise would be unable to purchase a property without taking on a large mortgage or incurring substantial debt.

Why Joint Ownership?

First and foremost the Joint Ownership model allows the average family or investor the opportunity to participate in purchasing a vacation or investment property.

By pooling together the investment funds with friends and family for a vacation home, the cash is then readily available and the monthly carrying costs are dramatically reduced as they are then shared between the joint owners.

Although most people understand the responsibility that is included with larger purchases of a secondary residence or vacation home, there are some people who find they would not use the asset on a full time basis. For those people who are looking to find value in simplifying certain aspects of their lives, Joint Ownership will provide ownership & use of an asset while reducing the responsibility of management and cost of ownership. Benefits of Joint Ownership include ease of convenience, hassle free ownership, and cost savings.



Learn about leveraging your investment capital and reducing your monthly operating costs!
How does Joint Ownership
make this happen for me?

Purchasing a vacation home ~ Steps to Success or the how to make your dream of owning a vacation home happen!


Why vacation focused markets?????

  • US Home Prices Continue to Tumble…with over a 70% decrease in property values
  • Families can now benifit from the depressed real estate markets in the US sunbelt locations such as Arizona, Florida, Nevada, California and other user friendly vacation destination locations.
  • Vacation destinations provide nearly perfect year-round weather

  • Recreation, Golf, Major league sports – baseball, football, hockey!!!!!

  • Strong Canadian dollar!!

  • US Home Prices Continue to Tumble…with over a 70% decrease in property values

  • Sub-Prime and ARMS mortgage default (now bank owned) buying opportunities!!

Interested in Phoenix?

Learn A little about Phoenix here ~ Metro Phoenix Overview

A little about Phoenix Real Estate and Joint Ownership Considerations

A little about Golf in Phoenix


AZ Joint Ownership, LLC 

Dedicated to the pursuit of affordable vacation property ownership!

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